Autism Nutrition Library
- Is your child a picky eater?
- Are you concerned about your child’s learning or behavior?
- Boost Your Child’s Nutrition and improve their learning and behaviour.
- Help your child with Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Down Syndrome, and other Neuro-Developmental Delays.
Autism Diet And Nutrition Library For Parents
Food Matters for Children with Autism
Even though “modern medicine” knows that sugar affects diabetes and that celiac patients are intolerant to gluten, they’ve yet to remember (ala Hippocrates) that food affects EVERYTHING, including Autism.
Physicians spend little time studying the relationship between food and biochemistry, food and health, and food and mood.
Parents report positive changes when applying special autism diets: which involve removing offensive foods and boosting nutritious foods.
Since parents determine what their children eat, biochemistry can be altered through these calculated omissions and additions.
By intentionally empowering natural healing forces, they affect a reduction in autistic symptoms that result from improvements in systemic health.
Parents report positive changes when applying special autism diets: which involve removing offensive foods and boosting nutritious foods.
Since parents determine what their children eat, biochemistry can be altered through these calculated omissions and additions.
By intentionally empowering natural healing forces, they affect a reduction in autistic symptoms that result from improvements in systemic health.
And fortunately, Now , a growing contingent of leading edge doctors are realizing that food matters; they are listening to parents, studying dietary intervention and applying it to aid children’s recovery.
Addressing Digestive Issues Increases Nutrition Absorption
As Nutrient Status Improves, Systems Function Better - Including The Brain.
While “dietary intervention” (change) can seem overwhelming, with learning and focus, even busy moms can make it work.
As a child feels better, parents often have more quality time with their children and cooking becomes more enjoyable.
And nutritious meals needn’t cost a fortune.
As a child feels better, parents often have more quality time with their children and cooking becomes more enjoyable.
And nutritious meals needn’t cost a fortune.
- While quality, whole foods involve more expensive ingredients; you’re buying fewer expensive processed foods.
- A healing diet empowers you to support your child’s health and improved well-being.
- We need to nourish children’s bodies with healthy food, and nourish their mind and soul with hope.
- Food supplies requisite nutrients to the body, and healthy food preparation transfers healing energy through the loving intention of the chef.
When we believe that something better is possible , we can move forward with Faith and Commitment.
by the myriad of ways that food is medicine or poison is emphasized depending on:
by the myriad of ways that food is medicine or poison is emphasized depending on:
- the quality
- the way food is grown or raised
- the manner food is prepared, processed, and cooked
- and the compounds in food that can heal or aggravate systems
Don’t let anyone tell you that Autism Diets don’t help.
Indeed, a Healing Diet for Autism is essential for optimal Physical and Cognitive Health.
Join The Autism Dietitian And Nutrition Library
Indeed, a Healing Diet for Autism is essential for optimal Physical and Cognitive Health.
Join The Autism Dietitian And Nutrition Library
Meet Brittyn ~ Creator Of The Autism Nutrition Library
- A Registered Dietitian
- Autism Expert
- Research Enthusiast
- 20 years part of the Autism Community
Brittyn created The Autism Nutrition Library
To Help You in Your Journey with Autism
- To address the underlying nutritional issues to help your child
- Feel their best,
- Do their best ,
- And be their best
The Autism Nutritian Library
It is literally a One-Stop Resource Relating to Nutrition and Autism which is Functional, Straightforward and Reliable and Definitely A First Of It's Kind
The Library does the research and hard work for you so that you can....
- Have peace of mind
- Stop stressful google searches
- Efficiently educate yourself
- Save money on multiple resources
- Stop trying to navigate diet, supplements and life-style changes your selves
So..............What Are You Waiting For ?
Join The Autism Dietitian Now And Make Strategic Dietary Changes That Will Positively Affect Your Children’s Health