Help your child's Brain Differentiate and Spontaneously Discover how to go beyond Their Limitation Through the Brain’s Power to Change or Discover What Is Possible
Quote ~ Wikipedia, the Free Online Encyclopedia
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.
Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life.
[6]These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace and then regress.[7] The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent in early childhood, typically before age three.[8]
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, impaired verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.
Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life.
[6]These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace and then regress.[7] The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent in early childhood, typically before age three.[8]
What Causes Autism ?
The causes of Autism are unknown and experts are still unsure in this regard.
Poor Parenting Practices were blamed in the past , adding to the burden of guilt and shame on parents already struggling to cope with a disabled child.
Today, most scientists believe that a combination of genetic and environmental factors cause Autism
Poor Parenting Practices were blamed in the past , adding to the burden of guilt and shame on parents already struggling to cope with a disabled child.
Today, most scientists believe that a combination of genetic and environmental factors cause Autism
Symptoms and Characteristics of Autism
While cases range from mild to severe, all autism spectrum disorders
have a negative effect on a child's ability to communicate and interact with others.
have a negative effect on a child's ability to communicate and interact with others.
Generally speaking, many people exhibit some of these characteristics at some point or another, but the pattern of behaviours, their intensity, and the fact that they persist beyond the typical age can lead to a diagnosis of a person being afflicted with a NeuroDevelopmental Disorder.
Behaviour Problems
Autism can lead to behaviours that are quite challenging for you to understand and address.
Most individuals with autism will display challenging behaviors of some sort at
some point in their lives and their behaviour can be a “Form Of Communication”
Most individuals with autism will display challenging behaviors of some sort at
some point in their lives and their behaviour can be a “Form Of Communication”
Autistic kids will often "voice" their wants and needs through behaviors rather than words, which can include:
- non-compliance
- compulsions
- physical aggression
- tantrums
- meltdowns, among others.
Coping with Your Parenting Problems
Even though the struggles facing parents of children with autism can seem insurmountable, the good news is that for every challenge, Experts say there are solutions to ease the stress and worry that can accompany this very difficult role.
As a parent of a child with autism, you know that he/she has special strengths, abilities and interests, and every moment of your child’s life provides an opportunity for you to help him/her learn to communicate.
As a parent of a child with autism, you know that he/she has special strengths, abilities and interests, and every moment of your child’s life provides an opportunity for you to help him/her learn to communicate.
Help Your Child Cope With His/Her Emotions With
The Autism Parenting Support Toolkit
Discover the “BEST-Of Parenting” Techniques
Used by Therapists Who Work in the Field of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Used by Therapists Who Work in the Field of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism Support Toolkit
With this Parenting Support Tool Kit you will be able to manage
- Your child's Meltdowns, Tantrums, Attention Difficulties
- Behaviour problems at home and school
- Picky eating
- Problems completing homework
- Rigid thinking, rituals and obsessions
- Sensory Sensitivities
- Sleep problems
- Social skills deficits, verbal and physical aggression
About the Author And Creator Of “Parenting Children With Asberger's And High Functioning Autism”
- Mark Hutten, M.A. is the Executive Director of Online Parent Support, LLC.
- He is a Practising Counselling Psychologist and Parent-Coach with more than 20 years’ experience.
- He has worked with hundreds of children and teenagers with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism (HFA)
- He presents workshops and runs training courses for parents and professionals who deal with Asperger's and HFA.
- Mark is also a prolific author of articles and eBooks on the subject.
What Are You Waiting For..................
Do It Now !
Incorporate the Autism Parenting Support System Into The Everyday Routines And Activities You’re Already Doing With Your Child, And Help Him/Her Learn Many Important Skills That Will Make
“ Connecting With Others And Making Friends Much Easier “
Incorporate the Autism Parenting Support System Into The Everyday Routines And Activities You’re Already Doing With Your Child, And Help Him/Her Learn Many Important Skills That Will Make
“ Connecting With Others And Making Friends Much Easier “
Click Here Now! For Autism Parenting Support Techniques Help Your Child Learn to Communicate , Reduce Meltdowns, Tantrums, Behaviour Problems, Sensory Sensitivities, Aggression and Social-Skills Deficits
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